Today was a meeting for the
Node London events that took place in March 2006 in London.
The goals of the meeting was part review, part how to move forward. I was invited by Ruth Carlow to join the meeting as Armin Medosch advised me to apply the Amoeba project within the Node London context.
During the discussions of the organization committee i took notes in order to get a feeling of what the tool would need to be capable of.
I will post the mind map later, however there are a couple of points on which the group was taking decisions on:
- dates (e.g. for meetings, deadlines, things that need to get done)
- subgroups (who is member of which subgroups that are attached to subtopics - like task forces)
- what needs to be done next moving forward?(setting priorities)
- where to spend money? (e.g. more in marketing, more in publishing, more in artists?)
- what happens to left over money? (how is it invested etc.)
- who represents Node London abroad or in meetings? Who goes to speeches?
- who decides on which software to use and which hardwarde?
- how are funds to be raised?